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Gavur Gelinler are 

Belgin Bingöl, Dido Gosse, Elmas Sevindik, Maya Dewaele, Nurten Aka, Seniz Karaman, Sibel Dinçer, and Valérie Martin.

In Turkish, the word  gavur has a pejorative connotation that would be translated as unfaithful. It would come from the Arabic kafir or kafûr: unbeliever. Gelin means daughter-in-law and gives the plural gelinler. The project, born in 2005 at the initiative of Sibel Dinçer, was to bring together a female audience of Muslim culture around the practice of polyphonic singing by dodging the patriarchal pressure of fathers / husbands / brothers ... As the singers go back and forth, a kernel has been built. Today, the Gavur Gelinler is a family of hearts that brings together eight independent women, Turkish, Kurdish, Belgian, Spanish women who want to sing stories of women ’s life transmitted by the vast heritage of folk songs of Anatolia, often anonymous. The repertoire has also expanded with songs in Arabic, Kurdish, Armenian songs and some original compositions. Rhythmic has emerged beyond the sounds of rings, bracelets and diapozone. Here, bendir, violin, darbuka, saz, violin, beat-box, tea glasses and pans accompany   the songs of love, sadness, hope and revolt ...

© 2013 gavurgelinler brussels

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